Over the past 25 years AT has planned and delivered more than 30 projects around the globe, including oil mills, extraction plants for rapeseed and plants for degumming, chemical neutralization of crude vegetable oils, biodiesel and pharmaceutical glycerol production, glycerolysis of fatty acids and removal of sterol glycosides from palm oil methyl esters. Besides delivering turnkey installations we also perform retro-fit / revamping services at existing production sites, including conversion of esterification processes from any vegetable oil to Used Cooking Oils (UCO) and/or animal fats and pretreatment processes for oils and fats containing high contents of FFA.
TOL, Thai Oleochemicals Co., Ltd. / PTT Chemicals Public Company, Rayong, Thailand
Service: engineering (E)
Capacity: biodiesel: 300.000 t/a
Pharmaceutical glycerol: 99,7%: 36.000 t/a
Feedstock: CPO, RBD, PFAD (PFAD=30.000 t/a) and external glycerol
MERCURIA ENERGY Group, Brunsbüttel, BAYER Industriepark Brunsbüttel
Services: engineering & procurement (EP)
Capacity: biodiesel 150.000 t/a
Pharmaceutical glycerol: 99,7%: 30.000 t/a
Feedstock: UCO, rapeseed- and soybean oil; external glycerol
BIOPETROL Industries AG, Schwarzheide, BASF Industriepark
Services: engineering & procurement (EP)
Capacity: biodiesel 150.000 t/a
Pharmaceutical glycerol: 99,7%: 30.000 t/a
Feedstock: UCO, rapeseed- and soybean oil; external glycerol
ORLEN Południe S.A. (PKN-ORLEN Group), Trzebinia, Polen
Services: engineering & procurement (EP)
Capacity: biodiesel: 250.000 t/a
Pharmaceutical glycerol 99,7%: 10.000 t/a
Feedstock: rapeseed oil, UCO, external glycerol
BIOETON Deutschland GmbH, Kyritz
Services: engineering & procurement (EP) of Crushing Plant and Biodiesel Plant
Capacity: rapeseed oil: 31.000 t/a
Biodiesel: 90.000 t/a,
Pharmaceutical glycerol: 99,7%: 10.000 t/a
Feedstock: UCO, rapeseed oil, fatty acid distillates
TECOSOL GmbH & Co.KG (ehemals CAMPA Biodiesel GmbH), Ochsenfurt
Services: engineering & procurement & construction (EPC)
Capacity: biodiesel 150.000 t/a
Distilled glycerol > 90%: 15.000 t/a
Feedstock: rapeseed oil, UCO, tallow, fatty acid distillates
More Projects
2024, EP, Enzymatic Degumming, High-FFA Enzymatic Biodiesel & Glycerol Retrofit (60.000 tpa)
2024, E, Enzymatic Biodiesel Retrofit (100.000 tpa)
2023, E, High-FFA Biodiesel Retrofit (200.000 tpa)
2023, E, UCO Pre-Treatment for HVO & Fatty Acid Stripping Unit (330.000 tpa)
2022, E, Fatty Acid Drying Unit, (48.000 tpa)
2022/21, EP, Glycerol Distillation Retrofit (100.000 tpa)
2022/21, P, Biodiesel Distillation Plant (35.000 tpa)
2021, E, High-FFA Biodiesel Retrofit (100.000 tpa)
2020/19, EP, High-FFA Biodiesel Retrofit for N.N. Plant (100.000 tpa)
2019, E, High-FFA Biodiesel (greenfield) plant (35.000 tpa)
2018, EP, High-FFA Biodiesel Retrofit for LURGI Plant (100.000 tpa)
2018, EPC, High-FFA Biodiesel Retrofit for SKET Plant (100.000 tpa)
2017, EP, Biodiesel Retrofit (250.000 tpa)
2017, E, Sterol Glucoside Removal Plant (100.000 tpa)
2016, EP, Glycerol Removal Retrofit for DESMET Plant (100.000 tpa)
2015/16, E, Biodiesel Plant Extension (250.000 tpa)
2015, E, Glycerolysis Plant (25.000 tpa)
2014, E, Glycerolysis Plant (8.000 tpa)
2013, E, Biodiesel Distillation Plant (60.000 tpa)
2012/13, E, High-FFA Biodiesel Retrofit (150.000 tpa)
2009/13, E, Biodiesel & Pharmaceutical Glycerol (Plant 50.000 tpa / 5.000 tpa)
2012, EPC, High-FFA Biodiesel Retrofit (5.000 tpa)
2010/11, EP, High-FFA Biodiesel Retrofit (200.000 tpa)
2009/10, EP, High-FFA Biodiesel Retrofit (200.000 tpa)
2009/10, E, Biodiesel & Pharmaceutical Glycerol Plant (10.000 tpa / 10.000 tpa)
2008, E, Extraction Plant (600.000 tpa)
2005/08, EPC, Biodiesel & Glycerol Distillation Plant (250.000 tpa / 36.000 tpa)
2007, E, Biodiesel & Pharmaceutical Glycerol Plant (250.000 tpa / 36.000 tpa)
2003/07, EP, Biodiesel Plant (50.000 tpa)
2006, EP, Biodiesel Plant (60.000 tpa)
2006, EP, Biodiesel Plant (12.000 tpa)
2005/06, EP, Glycerol Distillation Plant (15.000 tpa)
2000/06, EPC, Biodiesel Plant (100.000 tpa)
2005, EPC, Biodiesel & Pharmaceutical Glycerol Plant (100.000 tpa / 15.000 tpa)
2004, EPC, Crushing Plant (45.000 tpa)
2004, EPC, Crushing & Biodiesel & Pharmaceutical Glycerol Plant (70.000 tpa / 90.000 tpa / 3.000 tpa)
2003, EPC, Biodiesel Plant (50.000 tpa)
2003, EP, Biodiesel Plant (150.000 tpa)
2001, EP, Biodiesel & Pharmaceutical Glycerol Plant (150.000 tpa / 30.000 tpa)
1994/95, EPC, Crushing & Biodiesel Plant (60.000 tpa / 35.000 tpa)
1994, EPC, Crushing & Biodiesel Plant (6.000 tpa / 2.000 tpa)
1994, EPC, Crushing & Biodiesel Plant (6.000 tpa / 2.000 tpa)
1994, EP, Crushing Plant (18.000 tpa)
1992/94, EPC, Crushing & Biodiesel Plant (3.000 tpa / 2.000 tpa)
1993, EPC, Crushing & Biodiesel Plant (3.000 tpa / 1.000 tpa)
1993, EP, Crushing Plant (6.000 tpa)
1993, EP, Crushing Plant (6.000 tpa)
1992, EP, Crushing Plant (6.000 tpa)
1992, EP, Crushing Plant (30.000 tpa)