AT Agrar-Technik Int. GmbH (AT)

Corporate Philosophy

AT is a globally active full-service engineering firm serving markets in the oleochemical industries. Since 1982 we have been both developing and supplying tailor-made processes and applications. Our office has a full range of engineering disciplines, whose project execution staff carry out industrial projects of all sizes and complexities from concept to completion (Engineering, Procurement & Construction).

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Success in the execution of a project begins by us listening carefully to our clients in order to find out about their preferences and requirements. Drawing on our long years of experience we then assist our clients in executing their project and achieving all associated targets on time and within budget.


The origins of AT go back to the year 1982, when Hans-Joachim Gaede started to manufacture agricultural machinery and production facilities (seed processing and drying) for the production of corn, grain and oil-seeds. With the emergence of biofuels in the transport sector AT then began to change its business model. Since the year 1990 AT’s engineers have been pioneering new technologies for converting oils and fats into biodiesel.

A major milestone on the company’s new path was reached in 1992 when the first AT biodiesel plant was successfully commissioned in Austria.

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Expertise and Competence

AT and its engineers have played an active part in the founding of advisory committees and technical bodies (such as the DIN EN 14214 Standardization Committee and “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Qualitätsmanagement e.V.”, Berlin (AGQM)) as well as national and international biodiesel associations. AT’s Managing Director, Dipl.-Ing.agr. Moritz Gaede is a former member of the Board of Germany’s VDB (Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie e.V., Berlin) and was President of the European Biodiesel Board in Brussels for more than 5 years. AT’s staff members have a long professional record as chemical or process engineers in the engineering business or chemical industry. Through them we command a full range of engineering skills to provide our clients with tailor-made solutions that are both innovative and sustainable.



With a track record 30+ plants planned and delivered around the globe AT is today considered one of the leading internationally operating engineering companies in the oleochemical business. The establishment in 2014 of a branch office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia under the name AT AGRAR TECHNIK (SEA Sdn. Bhd) highlights the company’s international focus. AT is a cooperation partner of various internationally operating engineering companies such as

  • in SEA region and Africa: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions, Thailand und South Africa
  • in North and South America: KSH-DICK Engineering, Toronto/Montreal, Canada


© 2025