„No limits to FFA“

We provide our customers with technologies which convert virtually all commercially available oils and fats containing anything up to 100% free fatty acids (FFA) into their respective methyl ester (biodiesel) in full conformity with stringent standards such as EN14214 and ASTM D6751.

Thanks to its outstanding resource efficiency (energy, methanol, catalyst), intelligent process control and optimized yield the AT’s biodiesel technology offers clear advantages over other methods with respect to the reduction of GHG emissions from biodiesel production.

The superior resource efficiency in combination with the MULTI-FEEDSTOCK technology ultimately spells lower production costs, promising a stronger competitive position for our customers.

The service portfolio of AT also includes the delivery of processes for the chemical and/or thermal pretreatment of oils and animal fats (e.g. degumming of crude plant oils) for the manufacture of pharmaceutical glycerol (min. 99.5%) or distillation and fractionation of methyl esters.f biodiesel plants to use a wide variety of first and second generation fat- and oil-based feedstocks (MULTI-FEEDSTOCK). FFA is removed from the feedstock by applying crude glycerol from transesterification section.


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