Smart Biodiesel Technology Starts Here

AT Agrar-Technik Int. GmbH (AT) is a full service, globally operating engineering company in the oleochemical industry. Since the year 1982, we have been developing and supplying tailor-made processes for the production of biodiesel and glycerol.

Our patented solutions set technological standards for the processing of first, second and third generation feedstocks, including vegetable oils, UCO, POME, PFAD, tallow, and other waste lipids. We process feedstocks with a free fatty acid (FFA) content ranging from 0% to 100% and achieve maximum yields of premium quality biodiesel in strict compliance with EN14214 or ASTM D6751 standards.

AT's in-house R&D department provides tailor-made solutions for our customers. AT's interdisciplinary team covers the full range of classical EPC services and supports our customers from process development until plant commissioning. Whether research, consulting, engineering, construction or operation is involved, for 40 years AT is your partner for innovative solutions in the biodiesel industry.

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